Beautiful home site with only one direct neighbor in the Haddington Place section of Ocean Ridge Plantation. This section is bustling with new home activity. Owners get access to all of the great amenities offered in Ocean Ridge Plantation which include the Plantation Clubhouse with a heated indoor pool, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, fitness center, outdoor pool, pickleball courts, community garden, walking trails, golf clubhouses/restaurants, a nature pavilion, 4 18 hole golf courses, and a beach clubhouse on the one and only Sunset Beach. Home site is listed for a fraction of its original purchase price. Great opportunity to build your new home in what many say is the most desirable community in Southeastern NC with all of its great amenities and 65+ social groups/activities to join!
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Ocean Ridge Plantation
Year Built
Elementary School |
Union |
Jr. High School |
Shallotte Middle |
High School |
West Brunswick |
Additional Details
0.29 acre(s) |
73 X 149 X 96 X 149 |
Ocean Ridge Plantation |
59.11 |
Res |
Listed with ASAP Realty
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