110 Boxcar Way, Camden, NC 27921 (MLS # 100487882)

Price $115,000
Status Active
Beds 0
Baths 0 Bath
Home size n/a
Lot Size 40,511 sqft
Days on Market 34
Commercial & High-Density Residential Property in a Central Location with increasing population and growing demand. Establish your business in a central location, convenient to Tidewater, the Outer Banks, Camden, Currituck and Elizabeth City. Located along finished paved streets with water and sewer available, easily accessible and visible from US Hwy 158. - Commercial &/or High-Density Residential Lots Available. - The lots are graded and level, builder-ready. - The lots are along finished paved streets with available utilities, including water and sewer. - The lots are easily accessible and visible from busy Hwy 158. - The lots are centrally located and convenient to Virginia, the Outer Banks, Camden, Currituck and Elizabeth City. - The lots are zoned Highway Commercial allowing a diverse mix of uses; commercial, office, retail, restaurant, food service, storage, along with high density residential with a special use permit. Give the Camden County Planning Department a call to verify your planned use. - The property's neighborhood includes a large and growing population with increasing demand. - Additional Lots are available at 105, 106, 107 and 108 Boxcar Way.
Property Type(s): Lot/Land/Acreage
Last Updated 2/11/2025 Tract N/A
Year Built 0 County Camden


Elementary School Grandy Primary/Camden Intermediate
Jr. High School Camden Middle
High School Camden County High

Additional Details

LOT 0.93 acre(s)
LOT DIMENSIONS 150' wide x 270' deep
SEWER Public Sewer
UTILITIES Electricity Available
WATER Public



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Listed with Luther Appraisal & Realty

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