Almost an acre of commercial real estate located beside an established well known franchise is a huge factor why this property is a must see. Throw in the fact that this is located 2 blocks away from the primary school in Whiteville, makes this land even more valuable. This highly traveled road will give your business the exposure that you have always dreamed of. Located just over a mile away is the hospital and county courthouse along with many government offices. This is a heavily traveled road for those going to the community college which is approximately 6 miles away. This is the property that you do not want to get away. Give First Choice Pro Realty a call today to discuss all the opportunities that this property offers.
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Not In Subdivision
Year Built
Elementary School |
Edgewood Elementary School |
High School |
Whiteville |
Additional Details
0.89 acre(s) |
Not In Subdivision |
Commercial |
Listed with First Choice Pro Realty
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