125 Tarheel Road, Windsor, NC 27983 (MLS # 100487962)

Price $12,000
Status Active
Beds 0
Baths 0 Bath
Home size n/a
Lot Size 22,652 sqft
Days on Market 33
Looking for a piece of property to call your own and build your dream home? This may just be the parcel for you! If you're looking to be in a convienent location within Windsor, NC- this property is right off of US 13 N. This lot is 0.52 acre and has approximately 180 feet of road frontage and is 125 feet deep! Bertie County is one of the larger counties in Northeastern, NC- full of agriculture, wildlife, beautiful farmland, and stunning creeks and rivers and is loved for what the outdoors here has to offer! This residential lot is fully wooded with some smaller trees which will make for an easier clearing job to build! There is no restrictions on the property which allows for you to build whatever you may like! None of this property is encompassed in a FEMA Floodplain. There is access to county water and electricty for this parcel- There would need to be a site evalution and septic permit pulled with county. This property is loctaed 30 minutes from Edenton, 57 minutes to Elizabeth City, 47 minutes to Greenville, and 12 minutes to Williamston, NC. Whether you choose to build, or would like to hold onto a piece of land for the future, this would be the perfect opportunity to do just that! Parcels like this do not last long, so don't hesitate to give us a call!
Property Type(s): Lot/Land/Acreage
Last Updated 2/9/2025 Tract Not In Subdivision
Year Built 0 County Bertie


Elementary School Windsor Elementary School
Jr. High School Bertie
High School Bertie High School

Additional Details

LOT 0.52 acre(s)
SUBDIVISION Not In Subdivision
TAXES 80.05
ZONING Residential



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Listed with Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms

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