Welcome to 'The Village of Old Spring Hope', Nash County's newest location for modern rural living. Choose from our excellent Preferred Builders who offer unique floor plans that are sure to impress. Homeowners are welcome to Bring-Your-Own-Builder (lot premium applies). Preferred Builders are being accepted. Contact us for details. 'Old Spring Hope' features large lots (approx 1+ acre each up to 8 acres). Come build with us and experience rural privacy & beauty with commerce just minutes away. Conveniently located between Zebulon and Nashville in the beautiful countryside of Spring Hope. Enjoy an easy commute into Downtown Raleigh w/ the neighborhood only 2 miles off of Hwy 64. 'Old Spring Hope' offers 'room-to-breathe' in an upscale neighborhood focused on beautiful design features and quality workmanship. Build with us and call 'Old Spring Hope' HOME!
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Year Built
Elementary School |
Spring Hope |
High School |
Southern Nash |
Additional Details
8.56 acre(s) |
Other |
residential |
Listed with Fathom Realty, LLC Raleigh
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