Location! Location! Beautiful 85 Acre Farm subdivided into 5+ Acre Lots and Larger. Paved Public Road, Public Water. NO HOA! Deed Restrictions Are: NO Mobile or Modular Homes, Site Built Homes 2500 Heated Square Feet or Larger, NO Vinyl Siding, Lots cannot be subdivided less than 4.87 Acres. Boats or RV's must be screened from their neighbors. Equestrian Friendly! NO discharging of Firearms on any Tract.
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Olde North
Year Built
Elementary School |
Cameron Elementary |
Jr. High School |
Crain's Creek Middle |
High School |
Union Pines High |
Additional Details
6.03 acre(s) |
Olde North |
Listed with Carolina Property Sales
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