Prime General Business (GB) zoned land is available in Burlington, NC, off Hwy 70 at Holly St & Glade Ct. The 2.07-acre property includes 4 lots (Parcel IDs: 138773, 138766, 138761, 138759). It offers various development options such as retail, business, service establishments, wholesale, warehousing, and limited residential (upper-story & multi-family). The zoning allows for up to 24 units/acre for multi-family and 26 units/acre for mixed-use, with setbacks from 30-40 ft street-side, 0-15 ft side, and 15 ft rear if near residential areas. Maximum height is 36 ft or 3 stories if next to single-family homes. Contact us for more details. Assignment of Contract.
Property Type(s):
Last Updated
Not In Subdivision
Year Built
Elementary School |
Other |
High School |
Eastern Alamance |
Additional Details
2.07 acre(s) |
Not In Subdivision |
Listed with Prosper Real Estate
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